Peter was more than just a photographer - he was an inventor. Not only did he invent and design cameras, he created almost anything he needed to get the job done, including the studios that created the perfect atmosphere and backdrop for his photos. He was a believer in the idea that "if you find a job you love you'll never have to work a day in your life" and lived by that notion. His homes always functioned as a combination of living space, studio, dark room and design shop.

In the early days Peter made a 500 watt key-spot light from a motor oil can using a magnifying condenser.

Peter is opening a negative drawer he built from the beam ceiling.

On the roof of his second home studio, he built an 8x8' masonite revolving platform that could be turned to suit the sun.

Alice posing for a portrait at the far end of the living room.

The Gowlands created their third home to function as both a beautiful living space and funtional workspace. They worked with Architect, William F. Overpeck, to create a studio within the house that could be used with daylight, lights or both together. Completed in 1955 the house, pool and surronding area as the perfect backdrop for their iconic images.

Peter built this take-apart platform which he assembles for high angle shots in his patio-pool.

This picture of Phillip Ahlm and his girlfriend was taken in 1939 at another pool equipped with a high dive platform that inspired Peter to build his own paltform at his home pool.